Setting the highest certification standards for psychiatrists and neurologists since 1934

NEW Article-Based Continuing Certification (ABCC) Pathway

The new ABCC Pathway is an ongoing professional journal article-based assessment activity designed as an optional alternative to the Continuing Certification Part III traditional 10-year recertification/CC examination. Beginning in 2022, the ABCC Pathway option will provide greater flexibility to ABPN diplomates for meeting their Continuing Certification Part III program requirement. The pathway option for continuing certification will be available to all diplomates beginning with the 2022 ABPN assessments and exams.

The ABCC Pathway is the default option for all ABPN-administered specialties and subspecialties, except for Neurocritical Care, which will be added in 2025. Diplomates will be required to successfully complete a set of article exams for each of their certifications on an ongoing basis every 3-year block.

At the same time, the traditional Continuing Certification (CC) recertification examination will continue to be offered. The article assessments are accessed online thru the Physician Portal.

Latest ABCC News
Approved by the ABMS

In October 2020, the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) approved the ABPN Article Assessment Pathway as a permanent alternative to the 10-year Continuing Certification (CC) examination. See our announcement for more information.

Announcement Archive

See our ABCC Pathway announcement for more information.

Read details on the ABCC Pathway and other changes for 2021/2022.

Policies for Applicants with Disabilities are located on the Board Policies page.